EPISODE 19- Mt. Rushmore Parking Lot Film Festival
February 27, 2011

Gazing at our four forefathers in stone, one might feel a swelling of American pride. I feel triumph.

Several years ago as a college student, I made a film at Mount Rushmore, about Mount Rushmore, staring Mount Rushmore.

Remember Rushmore (How to get to Galapagos from the Heartland) was to be my first opus. Unfortunately, it drowned me in debt and left me eating rice and beans for several years as I hid out from over-bearing park rangers who were upset with my creative decisions. This all said, audiences loved the film. At my family reunion in Racine, Wisconsin in 2003, Aunt Trudy, who never has anything good to say about anyone, called it, “an American masterpiece of good shit.” At least that’s what we think she said. She was off her meds that day.

In this episode I screen this critically acclaimed film at the very place it was shot, Mount Rushmore… well not exactly. I shot it in Mount Rushmore National Park; I screen it in Mount Rushmore National Park Parking Ramp, Level 3.

Watch as Nikolai and I delight tourist after tourist with my cinematic masterpiece.

Also, don’t forget to visit the
Remember Rushmore (How to get to Galapagos from the Heartland) website to view the trailer and order your very own DVD copy!

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