November 17th, 2009

Welcome to USofAnderson.com and my first video! As you can tell, I’m quite jazzed and juiced about heading on a road trip with Nikolai, and I hope you’ll join me as I document this groundbreaking journey. Today I’m launching three videos, and I plan on adding one new video a week for about the next year. Sure it’s a tall order, but as you’ll come to learn, I, David “Dave” Anderson, eat tall orders for breakfast, normally of flaxseed blueberry pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup.

Oh, and Nikolai wants me to plug his latest video art. Here it is: www.youtube.com/usofnikolai.  He claims he won The International Minsk Film Festival with this piece. Dubious. You should see the stuff that comes out of Minsk.

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